Schlagwort-Archive: Boston University

The Mystery of Forgiveness

In the course of my Buddhism-for-doubters-adventures that I’m currently taking, I now finally seem to have found something that really blew me away. It’s not so much about a way of thinking but a way of doing things, which I find particularly appealing.

Ruth Henderson
is a research professor at Boston University and is running a highly fascinating project with inmates. It’s therapeutical in nature and circles around the idea of „forgiveness“ by introducing participants of her seminars to works of the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, among others.

On her homepage, a final paper of one of her patients has been published, and I think I haven’t read anything more moving, inspiring, and peaceful than this paper in a long time.

This is what trauma therapy and, in a larger context, reflection on our own lives should be about. Learning to make sense of it all, to be aware of reality and the hardships it brings, but to make sense and find peace within the obstacles we confront in the course of it all.

I can only recommend to read Doug’s amazing view on his reality.